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범죄예방을 위한 환경설계의 제도화 방안(Ⅲ) : 국외전문가 초청 '학교 안전 진단'

  • 작성일2011.02.14
  • 조회수898

범죄예방을 위한 환경설계의 제도화 방안(Ⅲ) : 국외전문가 초청 '학교 안전 진단'

좌우로 스크롤 하시면 표의 전체 내용을 보실 수 있습니다.

연구책임자, 소속기관,내부연구참여자,외부참여연구자,발행기관,공개여부,출판일,등록일,페이지,분류기호,언어,판매여부,판매가격,보고서유형,ISBN,표준분류,연구유형,자료유형
연구책임자 강은영 소속기관 한국형사·법무정책연구원
내부연구참여자 강은영 외 2인 외부참여연구자
발행기관 한국형사·법무정책연구원 공개여부 공개
출판일 2010-12 등록일 2011.02.14
페이지 0 분류기호 10-19-04
언어 한국어 판매여부 판매
판매가격 10000 보고서유형
ISBN 표준분류
연구유형 자료유형
국문요약 25

제1부 연구 개요 31
제1장 연구의 목적과 연구 내용 33
제1절 연구의 목적 35
제2절 연구 내용 및 방법 37
제2장 국외 전문가 초청 학교안전 진단결과 개요 41
제1절 조사결과 분석 43
제2절 조사결과 및 권고안 개요 57
제3장 플로리다주 안전한 학교 설계 가이드라인 개요 65
제1절 공간 설계 67
제2절 건물 설계 75
제3절 내부 공간 81
제4절 시스템과 설비 89

제2부 학교 안전 진단: Richard Schneider 93
Executive Summary 95
Acknowledgements 101
Introduction 103
Background and Purpose of the Study 104
Theoretical Orientation 106
Methodology 109
Research strategy 110
Schools sampled 112
Questions typically posed to administrators 115
Questions typically posed to students 115
Questions typically posed to teachers 116
Data analysis 117
Findings 118
Schools 118
A Elementary School 118
Site and building design elements 118
Interior spaces 127
Interview summaries 129
Administrators and teachers 130
Students 130
B High School 131
Site and building design elements 132
Interior spaces 139
Interview summaries 141
Administrators and teachers 141
Students Interviews 143
C Elementary School 144
Site and building design elements 145
Interior spaces 150
Interview summaries 154
Administrators and teachers 154
Students 155
D Middle School 155
Site and building design elements 156
Interior spaces 160
Interview summaries 162
Administrators and teachers 162
Students 164
E Middle School 164
Site and building design elements 166
Interior spaces 169
Interview summaries 172
Administrators and teachers 172
Students 172
F Girls High School 173
Site and building design elements 174
Interior spaces 180
Interview summaries 181
Students 182
G Elementary School 183
Site and building design elements 184
Interview summaries 189
Administrators and teachers 189
Students 190
H Middle School 191
Site and building design elements 192
Interior spaces 193
Administrators and teachers 194
Students 195
I High School 195
Site and building design elements 196
Interior spaces 202
Interview summaries 204
Administrators and teachers 204
Students Interviews 206
Analysis 207
Guardianship and related issues 208
External intervention 208
Internal supervision and education 209
Complacency 211
Communication with staff, students and visitors 211
Access control and related issues 213
CCTV issues as related to access control 214
CPTED approaches and costs 215
Educating school designers, managers, teachers and contractors 216
Life Safety Concerns related to exterior door locks 217
Adaptation to crime prevention designs 218
Building Design and related issues 218
Building layouts 218
Building evolution and complexity 219
Emergency evacuation issues and questions 220
Ledges and concealment zones 220
Bathrooms 221
Locking classrooms 221
Fortressing 222
Surveillance and Related Issues 222
Lighting 223
Landscape maintenance 223
Classrooms 224
RFID 224
Vulnerability and related issues 225
Students 225
Teachers 225
Facility planning and design 226
Future research: school empirical studies and environmental variables 227
Conclusions: Overall findings and Summary of Strategies and Recommendations 228
Overall findings 228
Summary of strategies and recommendations 228
Appendix A 236
Appendix B 241
References 242

제3부 Florida Guideline 245
Site Design 247
1.1 Site Perimeter 247
1.2 Vehicular Routes & Parking Areas 250
1.3 Exterior Pedestrian Routes 258
1.4 Recreational Areas 263
1.5 Bike Racks & Dumpster Enclosures 266
1.6 Signage 267
1.7 Landscaping 269
1.8 Stormwater 272
1.9 Site Utilities 274
Building Designs 277
2.1 Building Organization 277
2.2 Exterior Covered Walkways 280
2.3 Points of Entry 282
2.4 Courtyards 285
2.5 Relocatable/Portable Buildings 288
2.6 Doors 290
2.7 Windows 293
2.8 Exterior Walls 295
2.9 Roofs 296
2.10 Lighting 298
Interior Spaces 302
3.1 Lobbies & Reception Areas 302
3.2 Administration Areas 304
3.3 Corridors 308
3.4 Stairs and Stairwells 310
3.5 Toilet Rooms 312
3.6 Classrooms 314
3.7 Labs/Shops & Computer Rooms 316
3.8 Music Rooms 318
3.9 Cafeterias 320
3.10 Auditoriums 321
3.11 Gymnasiums 324
3.12 Locker Rooms 327
3.13 Libraries & Media Centers 329
Systems & Equipment 332
4.1 Elevators 332
4.2 HVAC/Mechanical Equipment 333
4.3 Water Fountains 336
4.4 Vending Machines & Public Telephones 338
4.5 Fire Control & Alarms 341
4.6 Alarm & Surveillance Systems 342

Abstract 347

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