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Cyberterrorism: Trends and Reponses

  • 작성일2013.01.29
  • 조회수414

Cyberterrorism: Trends and Reponses

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연구책임자, 소속기관,내부연구참여자,외부참여연구자,발행기관,공개여부,출판일,등록일,페이지,분류기호,언어,판매여부,판매가격,보고서유형,ISBN,표준분류,연구유형,자료유형
연구책임자 윤해성 소속기관 한국형사·법무정책연구원
내부연구참여자 윤해성 외 2인 외부참여연구자 Joshua Freilich, Steven Chermak, Robert G. Morris
발행기관 한국형사·법무정책연구원 공개여부 공개
출판일 2012-12 등록일 2013.01.29
페이지 0 분류기호 12-B-04
언어 영어 판매여부 판매
판매가격 10000 보고서유형
ISBN 표준분류
연구유형 자료유형

Executive Summary 13 Chapter 1. Introduction I. Research Purpose 1 II. Research Scope and Content 2 III. Research Method 10 Chapter 2. General Issues of of Cyberterrorism I. Definition of Cyberterrorism 13 1. Introduction 13 2. What is Cyberterrorism? 14 3. Definition of Terrorism, Cybercrime, and Cyberterrorism 16 A. Comparison between Related Concepts 16 B. Cyberterrorism vs. Information Warfare 20 C. Cyberterrorism vs. the Terrorist Use of the Internet 22 4. Typology and Threat of Cyberterrorism 22 A. Cyberterrorism Threats to Critical Infrastructure 23 B. Debate on the Threat of Cyberterrorism towards Critical Infrastructure 26 C. Cyberterrorism Threats to Information Systems 27 D. Other Threats from Cyberterrorism 29 E. Fear of Cyberterrorism 31 5. Case Studies of Cyberterrorism Attacks 33 A. Information System Attacks 33 B. Logic Bomb Case 35 C. Conficker Worm 35 D. Stuxnet Worm 36 E. Distributed Denial-of-Service(DDoS) 37 F. The Use of the Internet by Al Qaeda 37 6. Typology of Cyberterrorism 39 A. Basic Typology 41 B. Detailed Typology 43 7. Conceptual Overview from an Overall Perspective 43 A. Introduction 44 B. International Conceptualization of Cyberterrorism 45 C. Discussion 48 II. International Cooperation System in Cyberterrorism Response 52 1. International Characteristics of Cyberterrorism 52 A. International Perspectives on Cyberterrorism 53 B. The Experiments on Cyberterrorism 56 2. Rules, Conventions and Laws regarding International Cooperation 56 A. Establishment and Operation of International Rules 56 B. Relationship with Cybercrime 57 C. International Cooperation and Jurisdiction 58 1) International Cooperation 58 2) Jurisdiction 62 3. International Conventions 65 A. The Montreal Convention 65 B. The Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings 66 4. Conclusion 67 III. Analysis of Cyberterrorism Response System of Major Countries 71 1. Cyberterrorism Response System of the United States of America 71 A. Overview 71 B. Cyberterrorism Policy 73 1) Before the 911 attacks 73 (1) Law 73 (2) Other Policies 75 2) After the 911 attacks 76 (1) National Strategy for Establishing Cyberspace Security 76 (2) National Strategies against Threats to Cyberspace and its Vulnerabilities 77 a. Threats to Cyberspace and its Vulnerabilities 77 b. National Policy and Principles on Cyberterrorism 79 C. The Legal System 31 1) The USA Patriot Act 81 (1) Main Contents of the USA Patriot Act 81 (2) Problems of the Patriot Act 86 2) The Cyber Security Enhancement Act as Incorporated into the Homeland Security Act 89 (1) Contents 89 (2) Problems of the Homeland Security Act 94 3) The Cyber Security Research and Development Act 95 (1) Contents of the Cyber Security Research and Development Act 95 (2) Problems of the Cyber Security Research and Development Act 96 4) Other Efforts to Deal with Cyberterrorism 97 D. Organizations against Cyberterrorism 98 E. Law Enforcement and Prevention 98 1) Law Enforcement Response to the Cyberterrorism Threat 98 (1). Law Enforcement in the Cyber World 99 (2) Need for Federal Cooperation and Guidance 100 (3) Global Cooperation in Cyberterror Enforcement 102 2) Prevention Efforts from State/Local and Federal Law Enforcement Agencies 103 (1). Prevention at the Federal Level 104 (2) Prevention at the State/Local Level 105 3) Educating the Public and Corporate Entities on the Cyberterrorist Threat 105 4) Law Enforcement Training Initiatives to Combat Cyberterrorism 107 5) Research on Law Enforcement and Cyber Terrorism 109 2. Cyberterrorism Response System of the United Kingdoms 110 A. Overview 110 B. The Legal System 111 C. Organizations against Cyberterrorism 111 3. Cyberterrorism Response System of the Federal Republic of Germany 113 A. Overview 113 B. Legal System 113 C. Organizations against Cyberterrorism 114 4. Cyberterrorism Response System of the French Republic 115 A. Overview 115 B. Legal System 116 C. Organizations against Cyberterrorism 117 5. Cyberterrorism Response System of Japan 117 A. Overview 118 B. Legal System 119 C. Organizations against Cyberterrorism 121 6. Cyberterrorism Response System of India 123 A. Overview 123 B. Legal System 123 C. Organizations against Cyberterrorism 129 7. Implications 130 8. Conclusion 135 Chapter. 3. Terrorist Use of the Internet and Counterterrorism Measures I. Introduction 137 II. Theoretical Discussions 139 1. Terrorist Use of the Internet and Cyberterrorism 139 2. Physics and Strategic Advantage of Cyberspace 142 3. Threats from Cyberspace and Existential Crisis of Nation-State 145 III. Terrorist Threats though Cyberspace: Terrorist Use of the Internet 149 1. Terrorist Use of the Internet 149 2. Types of Terrorist Use of the Internet 151 A. Propaganda 151 B. Financing 153 C. Training 155 D. Planning 156 E. Execution 157 F. Cyber-attacks 159 3. Terrorists' use of the Internet 160 IV. Transformation of Mode of Warfare: Marriage between Terrorism and Cyberspace 162 1. Overview 162 2. Marriage between Terrorism and Cyberspace 164 3. Qualitative Changes on Mode of Warfare 166 4. The Fifth Generational Warfare 168 V. Counterterrorism Measures: C&C(Communication & Cooperation) and Infiltration 175 1. Overview 175 2. Counterterrorism Measures against Terrorist Use of the Internet 176 VI. OSINT(Open Source Intelligence) as a Counterterrorism Measure 179 1. Overview 180 2. The Concept of OSINT 180 3. OSINT Practices 181 4. Things to Consider for the Use of OSINT 184 VII. Conclusion 187 Chapter 4. Terrorist Use of the Internet: an Analysis of Strategies, Objectives and Law Responses I. Introduction 189 II. The Strategies Used to Harness the Power of the Internet 194 III. Understanding the Rationale for Using the Internet 203 1. Propaganda 204 2. Recruitment & Radicalization 208 3. Strategic Tactics 213 IV. Law Enforcement Response to Terrorism on the Internet 218 V. Conclusion 227 Chapter 5. Current Status of Cyberterrorism in the Republic of Korea I. An Overview of the Republic of Korea's Penal Measures and Cases pertaining to Cyberterrorism 233 1. Overview 233 2. Case Study of Cyberterrorism in Korea 233 A. Major Cases 233 1) The 2003 January 25th Crisis 233 2) 2004 Government Institute Hacking Case 234 3) 2009 North Korean July 7th DDoS Attack 235 4) 2011 North Korean March 4th DDoS Attack 235 5) 2011 National Agricultural Cooperative Federation (NACF) Hacking 236 6) Central Election Management Committee Cyberterrorism Case 236 B. Implications 237 3. Analysis on Cyberterrorism Penal Measure in Criminal Law 238 4. Analysis on Cyberterrorism Penal Measure in Special Law 244 A. Act on the Protection of Information and Communications Infrastructure 244 1) Background 244 2) Behavior Pattern and Statutory Punishment 245 3) Examination 246 B. Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc. 247 1) Background 247 2) Behavioral Pattern and Statutory Punishment 248 3) Examination 251 C. Special Law relative to Regulations on Cyberterrorism 253 D. Conclusion 258 II. Response System and Conditions on Cyberterrorism in the Republic of Korea 259 1. Cyberterrorism Cases 259 A. Overview 259 B. Case Analysis on July 7th DDoS Attack 262 1) Outline of the Organization of July 7th Attack 262 2) Characteristics of July 7th DDoS Attack 264 (1) Constructing Automatic Attack System 264 (2) Using Network-type C&C Server 265 (3) Zeroday-type DDoS Attack 266 2. Overview of Response System on Cyberterrorism 266 A. Legal Foundation on Cyberterrorism 266 B. Response System on Cyberterrorism 268 C. Master Plan for National Cyber Security 269 D. Reestablishment of its Function and Role 269 3. Problems Confronted by Response System on Cyberterrorism 270 A. Initial Response and Variety of Legislations Causing Confusion 270 1) Lack of Systemized Legislation 270 2) Limitations in System of Initial Threat Estimation 271 3) Limitation in Initial Attribution of the Attack 271 B. Limitation on Cooperation with Information Institutes and Law Enforcement Agencies 274 C. Limitation on Expedited Responses due to Division of Functions amongst Public, Private, and National Defense 275 III. Countermeasures for Cyberterrorism 275 1. Intelligence 276 2. Expert System and Founding National Digital Evidence Research Institute 276 3. Improvement on Cyberterrorism Legislation 277 A. Necessity of Enacting Legislations on Cyberterrorism 277 B. Necessity for Act on Zombie PCs 279 C. Restricting the Remote Update Function 280 D. Recommending Diversification in Operating Systems and Installation of Firewall Programs 280 E. Fostering Professional Investigators 280 4. Examination of Cybercrime Investigation Cooperation System 281 A. Private-Private Cooperation 281 1) Necessity 281 2) Countermeasure 282 B. Law Enforcement-Private Cooperation 282 1) Necessity 282 2) Countermeasure 283 C. National LE-National LE Cooperation 284 1) Necessity 284 2) Countermeasure 285 Chapter 6. Conclusion 287 Reference 305 Abstract 327

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