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Improving the DNA Identification Act in South Korea

  • 작성일2013.11.27
  • 조회수311

Improving the DNA Identification Act in South Korea

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연구책임자, 소속기관,내부연구참여자,외부참여연구자,발행기관,공개여부,출판일,등록일,페이지,분류기호,언어,판매여부,판매가격,보고서유형,ISBN,표준분류,연구유형,자료유형
연구책임자 최민영 소속기관 한국형사·법무정책연구원
내부연구참여자 최민영 외 1인 외부참여연구자
발행기관 한국형사·법무정책연구원 공개여부 공개
출판일 2012-12 등록일 2013.11.27
페이지 0 분류기호 12-B-11-1
언어 영어 판매여부 판매
판매가격 7000 보고서유형
ISBN 표준분류
연구유형 자료유형

Preface 3 Chapter 1. General Overview of the DNA Identification Act 9 I. Legislation Process 11 1. The Process of Publicizing the DNA Database Bill 11 2. Legislation of the DNA Identification Act 13 3. Summary of Legislation Process 17 II. Major Contents of the DNA Identification Act 18 1. Definition of Terms and Legislation Purpose 18 2. Target of DNA Sample Collection and List of Applicable Crimes 19 3. DNA Samples and DNA Identification Data 20 4. Management of the DNA Database 22 III. Current Situation of Establishment of the DNA Database 23 1. The National Police Agency and the National Forensic Service 23 2. The Public Prosecutors' Office 26 3. Current Status of Management of the DNA Database and DNA Management Committee 27 Chapter 2. Review on Unconstitutionality of the DNA Identification Act 31 I. Discussion on Necessity of the DNA Identification Act 35 1. Essence of the Risk Management Policies 35 2. The Efficacy of DNA Databases 38 II. Constitutionality of the DNA Identification Act 44 1. Restricted Fundamental Rights: the Right of Self-Determination to Individual Information 45 2. Review of Important Issues 48 Chapter 3. Review on Legitimacy of the DNA Identification Act from the Perspective of Criminal Law 55 I. Implications for Criminal Justice Policy 59 1. Safety vs. Freedom and Protection of Privacy 59 2. Necessity of Information Collection 60 3. Principle of Proportionality and Information Collection 61 4. Civil Trust toward Government Institutes 62 II. Legitimacy of Legislative Purpose 62 1. Purpose for Crime Investigation 63 2. Purpose for Crime Prevention 64 3. Purpose for Protecting Rights and Interests 69 III. Review on Major Issues 71 1. Legal Characteristics of Acts Concerned 71 2. Target of DNA Sample Collection an List of Applicable Crimes 73 3. DNA Samples and DNA Identification Information 77 4. Management of DNA Database 82 5. Equality of Punishment 83 IV. Measurement for Improvement 84 1. Effective Securement of Legislative Purposes 84 2. Direction for Improvement of Respective Clauses 85 3. Database Management and Follow-up Measures 86 4. Necessity for Amendment of the Criminal Procedure Law 87 Chapter 4. Conclusion 89 References 95

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