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Towards AsiaJust Achievements and the way ahead 2012 Annual Report

  • 작성일2014.01.06
  • 조회수319

Towards AsiaJust Achievements and the way ahead 2012 Annual Report

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연구책임자, 소속기관,내부연구참여자,외부참여연구자,발행기관,공개여부,출판일,등록일,페이지,분류기호,언어,판매여부,판매가격,보고서유형,ISBN,표준분류,연구유형,자료유형
연구책임자 소속기관 한국형사·법무정책연구원
내부연구참여자 외 1인 외부참여연구자
발행기관 한국형사·법무정책연구원 공개여부 공개
출판일 2013-01 등록일 2014.01.06
페이지 0 분류기호
언어 영어 판매여부 판매중지
판매가격 0 보고서유형
ISBN 표준분류
연구유형 자료유형
Acknowledgement and Disclaimer ⅲ
Acronyms ⅳ
List of Tables and Figures ⅵ
Foreword by President of the Korean Institute of Criminology ⅶ
Introduction. ⅸ

I. Overview of the Towards AsiaJust Programme 1

II. Major Achievements in 2012

Transnational Organized Justice 15
A. The Senior Level workshop on Mutual Legal Assistance 17
B. Preparation of Establishing Asset Recovery Inter-agency Network 41
C. Prosecutor Exchange Programme 51

Rule of Law 63
A. Participation in the Asian-Pacific Council for Juvenile Justice 65
B. Assistance to Timor-Leste to Draft a Bill on Drug Control 75
C. Assistance to the Philippines to Draft a Bill on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters 82
D. Assistance to Thailand to Improve Law Enforcement-Prosecution Collaboration 89

Other Activities 97
A. Co-organization of ‘UN Cybercrime Study Workshop’ in Bangkok 99
B. The 4th Asian Criminological Society 108
C. Contribution to Transnational Organized Crime Threat Assessment Report 116

III. Future Direction and Priorities 123

Annex 129
Annex A Informal Reference Note ‘the Senior-level Mutual Legal Assistance workshop in East Asia and the Pacific’ 131
Annex B Weekly Report for Prosecutor Exchange Programme 142
Annex C Cybercrime Legislation of Selected ASEAN Countries and its Neighboring States 144

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