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Human Rights and the Criminal Justice Issues of Accountability in North Korea

  • 작성일2021.11.16
  • 조회수994

Human Rights and the Criminal Justice Issues of Accountability in North Korea

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연구책임자, 소속기관,내부연구참여자,외부참여연구자,발행기관,공개여부,출판일,등록일,페이지,분류기호,언어,판매여부,판매가격,보고서유형,ISBN,표준분류,연구유형,자료유형
연구책임자 김한균 소속기관 한국형사·법무정책연구원
내부연구참여자 김한균 외 3인 외부참여연구자
발행기관 한국형사·법무정책연구원 공개여부 공개
출판일 2019년 7월 등록일 2021.11.16
페이지 0 분류기호 19-AB-06
언어 영어 판매여부 판매
판매가격 7,000원 보고서유형
ISBN 표준분류
연구유형 자료유형

Chapter 1 Introduction 1 Section 1. Aims of the research 3 1. Accountability and Human Rights 3 2. Accountability in the North Korea 4 3. Korean government and its policy of North Korean human rights 6 Section 2. The theme of the research 8 1. International human rights regime on the issue of North Korean human rights 8 2. Transitional justice and accountability in North Korea 9 3. Human rights dialogue on the issue of human rights in North Korea 11 Chapter 2 Legal Framework on the issues of accountability in North Korea 13 Section 1. Policies on the Issues of North Korean Human Rights in South Korea 15 1. The most recent progress of government policies on inter-Korean relations 15 2. National Human Rights Commission on the Issues of Human Rights In North Korea 19 3. North Korean Human Rights Act of the US 21 Section 2. North Korean Human Rights Act of South Korea 24 1. Background of the North Korean Human Rigths Act 24 2. The legal system of the North Korean Human Rights Act of 2016 26 3. The human rights mechanism under the North Korean Human Rights Act of 2016 31 Chapter 3 UN Human Rights Mechanism and the issues of accountability in North Korea 33 Section 1. UN Mechanism Regarding Human Rights Situation in North Korea 35 1. UN High Commissioner for Human Rights 35 2. Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in North Korea 37 3. OHCHR (Seoul) 39 Section 2. Universal Periodic Review 42 1. The Process of the Universal Periodic Review 42 2. Universal Periodic Review on North Korea in 2019 45 Chapter 4 International Society on the issues of accountability in North Korea 55 Section 1. International Bodies 58 1. Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and its dedicated accountability team 58 2. European Union and the issues of human rights in North Korea 62 Section 2. Non-Governmental Organizations 64 1. Amnesty International 64 2. Human Rights Watch 66 3. The Committee for Human Rights in North Korea 67 4. Database Center for North Korean Human Rights 70 5. 38North 71 Chapter 5 Criminal Justice and the issues of accountability in North Korea 73 Section 1. Records of North Korean Human Rigths Violations 75 1. Center for North Korean Human Rights Records 76 2. North Korean Human Rights ation Office 77 Section 2. Possible Criminal Accountability of North Korea 79 1. Human Rights Violations in North Korea to be Criminally Accountable 79 2. Transitional Justice and Accountability in North Korea 83 Chapter 6 Conclusion 85 Section 1. Promoting Human Rights and Advancing Accountability in North Korea 87 Section 2. Human Rights Dialogue with North Korea 90 1. International and regional dialogues 91 2. EU and North Korea 91 3. ASEAN and North Korea 93 Section 3. Inter-Korean Human Rights Dialogue for Peace Process 94 References 99 국문요약 105

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