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International Journal of Criminal Justice (IJCJ)

Code of Ethics and Copyright Policy

Chapter 1 General Provisions

  • Article 1 (Purpose)

    The purpose of this ethical guidelines is to establish research ethics and measures for violations of research ethics of the International Journal of Criminal Justice (IJCJ).

  • Article 2 (Scope of Regulation)

    (1) This Regulation applies to submitted manuscripts to the International Journal of Criminal Justice (IJCJ).

    (2) Manuscripts published in the journal are subject to investigation for potential violations of research ethics.

Chapter 2 Ethics Committee

  • Article 3 (Establishment of Ethics Committee)

    (1) The IJCJ Ethics Committee (hereinafter referred to as the “Committee”) shall be established to continuously monitor compliance with research ethics and to prevent research misconduct in advance.

    (2) The Committee shall be comprised of up to 10 members, including one Chairperson. The members may consist of internal and external members.

    (3) The Chairperson and internal members shall be appointed by the President of the Korean Institute of Criminology and Justice (KICJ) from among the institute’s staff.

    (4) The term of office for IJCJ Ethics Committee members shall be 2 years, and members may be reappointed.

    (5) In the event that the Chairperson is unable to perform their duties, a member designated by the Chairperson shall act on their behalf.

  • Article 4 (Operation of Ethics Committee)

    The Committee shall deliberate on the following matters:

    ① The handling and follow-up actions regarding the results of research ethics inspections

    ② Activities related to the prevention of research misconduct

    ③ Other matters requested by the Chairperson

Chapter 3 Violation of Research Ethics

  • Article 5 (Deliberation of Violations of Research Ethics)

    (1) The Chairperson shall request an assembly of the IJCJ Ethics Committee to deliberate on a potential case of violation of research ethics in the following cases:

    ① In the case that a report claiming a paper has violated research ethics is received. However, a paper may be exempt from deliberation when it is clear from the contents of the paper that a violation of research ethics was not committed.

    ② In the case that a member of the IJCJ Ethics Committee put in a written request for deliberation of violation of research ethics of a particular paper.

    (2) The deliberation and final judgement of violation of research ethics may only be carried out when a 1/2 majority of the members of the IJCJ Ethics Committee are in attendance, and only with the approval of a 2/3 majority vote of the members present.

    (3) The detailed criteria required for judgment shall be determined by the President.

    (4) The individual subject to suspicion of violation of research ethics shall be entitled an opportunity to appeal their case prior to the judgement of the case.

    (5) The members of the IJCJ Ethics Committee shall keep confidential all information associated with their duties as committee members, including the identities of informants.

  • Article 6 (Punitive Measures for Violation of Research Ethics)

    When the IJCJ Ethics Committee determines that an act of violation of research ethics has been committed, the following punitive measures shall be taken:

    ① The paper in violation of research ethics shall be deleted immediately, ② The author(s) of the paper in violation of research ethics shall be prohibited from publishing a paper in the IJCJ for a minimum of 3 years, ③ The violation of research ethics shall be reported to the National Research Foundation of Korea, ④ The full or partial recovery of any fees already paid, ⑤ Notification of the violation of research ethics to the institution to which the author(s) is affiliated.

Chapter 4 Research Ethics

  • Article 7 (Declaration of Authorship)

    (1) The manuscript should list all those individuals who qualify for authorship as authors. To qualify as authors, individuals must satisfy the following four conditions:

    ①substantially contributed to the conception and/or design of the manuscript, ② drafted and/or critically revised the manuscript, ③ gave their final approval for the finalized version of the manuscript, and ④ consent to be held accountable for all aspects of the submitted manuscript, which includes matters related to soundness, reliability, and integrity.

    (2) Individuals who have contributed to the manuscript in any way, but do not satisfy one or more of the qualifications listed above should be included in the acknowledgments section of the manuscript.

    (3) The paper should not list an individual who has not made a significant, tangible contribution to the paper as an author.

  • Article 8 (Soundness and Reliability)

    (1) The study should have been carried out in an ethical and responsible manner, following all applicable laws.

    (2) The study should be well-founded and well-executed.

    (3) Researchers should employ suitable data analysis and visualization techniques (and, if needed, seek and follow specialist advice in this endeavor).

    (4) Authors should be held accountable for group publications. Researchers should double-check their papers at every stage of the research process to verify that their methodology and findings are correctly presented. Calculations, data presentations, typescripts/submissions, and proofs should all be double-checked by the authors.

    (5) The manuscript should not use expressions that degrade or defame an individual or organization without a justifiable reason.

  • Article 9 (Honesty)

    (1) Researchers should present their findings without any forms of fabrication, false information, or purposeful manipulation. Any altered research images and figures with the purpose of deception are unacceptable.

    (2) Researchers should make every effort to present their findings in a clear and unambiguous manner. Researchers should follow all relevant reporting guidelines.

    (3) Research reports should disclose the complete information of the study. Papers should not omit unsatisfactory, contradictory, or incomprehensible discoveries or outcomes that contradict the hypothesis or interpretation of the authors or sponsors.

    (4) Any research results in the manuscript must be original and not previously published.

    (5) If a mistake is discovered in any submitted, accepted, or published work, the author should notify the editor as soon as possible. When necessary, authors should work with editors to provide revisions or retractions.

  • Article 10 (Plagiarism)

    (1) Plagiarism of any kind is unacceptable in manuscripts. Plagiarism refers to using text, images, data, or any other kind of information without giving credit to the original source (including self-plagiarism).

    (2) When material from other sources is used in the manuscript (including the author’s own previously published works), the source should be explicitly and clearly cited and when necessary, permission to use sources should be obtained.

  • Article 11 (Conflict of Interests)

    (1) Authors should ensure that there are no personal circumstances or interests that could compromise the impartiality or objectivity of the research at any stage of the research process. All funding sources related to the study must be managed in a way that does not affect the integrity or interpretation of the research findings.

    (2) If any potential conflicts of interest arise during the research process, authors must take appropriate measures to mitigate their impact and inform the journal of the steps taken.

IJCJ Copyright Policy

The International Journal of Criminal Justice (IJCJ) content is available under the Korea Open Government License (KOGL) Type 4, which allows for free use of public works with the following conditions:

  • 1. Source Indication: Users must clearly indicate the source when using any content from IJCJ. The source attribution must not imply any special relationship with, or sponsorship by, public institutions unless specifically authorized.
  • 2. Non-Commercial Use: IJCJ content can only be used for non-commercial purposes.
  • 3. Change Prohibition: Users are prohibited from modifying, adapting, or creating derivative works from the original content of IJCJ.

Disclaimer: The IJCJ do not guarantee the accuracy or continuity of the content and is not liable for any damages resulting from its use.

Violation of Use Terms: If a user violates these terms, their permission to use the content is immediately revoked, and continued use may result in legal consequences.

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